Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Kushi loves bull pe--, er, bully sticks

Kushi loves chewing on her bull penises, or "bully sticks" for the euphemistically minded. They come in different lengths and variations (e.g. braided sticks), I get the 6 inch sticks for about a buck each. They're available at most pet supply stores. I give them to her to help clean her teeth and let her chew on the stick for an hour or two before taking it away. It easily lasts a week or two, before I throw them out when they get too short. Supposedly, they're very digestible, though I supervise her to make sure she doesn't get herself into trouble. She's so little and not a powerful chewer, though, it's not too much of a worry that she'll bite off more than she can chew.

She likes the use her stuffed toys as leverage to a better grip on her bully stick.

1 comment:

Bully Sticks said...

Bully sticks are good for your dog's jaw and dental area. You just have o make sure that you get your bully sticks only from a good source.