Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Kushi's new pet gate

To keep Kushi away from the cats' food, we installed a gate. The gate had to be just tall enough to keep Kushi in, but short enough for the cats to jump over and me (the shorty) to step over. I was thinking of getting a taller gate that I could open, and although Tigger is athletic and can easily jump a taller gate, pudgy (okay obese) Sheboo is not so nimble.

This gate is 21 inches high, which is tall enough since Kushi is not a climber. It has a pet gate and is nice in that it has four wall knobs that you can individually adjust to press against uneven walls or floor moldings. You can get the Richell Pet Sitter Gate at petsmart.com for $79, which is pricey, though we got it on sale. It's very solid and works as advertised, though.

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